Many thanks to Patascha’s World (@PataschasWorld) for nominating us for a Liebster Award! The Liebster Award is an online award given out by fellow bloggers to new bloggers with under 500 followers to congratulate them and highlight their blog. It is a great way of networking and introducing new people and sharing ideas in the community.
The Rules
Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
Answer the eleven questions they ask you.
Nominate bloggers with less than 500 followers.
Ask those bloggers eleven questions.
Let those bloggers know that they have been nominated so they can continue the chain.
So Patascha’s World , here are our answers:
1. Do you prefer city trips or nature? Why?
M: As a girl that grew up pretty much in the middle of the woods and now lives in the city, I have grown to love both. I love exploring European cities, but I would have to say I am the most blown away by Nature. Last November I had the chance to explore the Swiss Alps and it was the most incredible experience.
2. Where was your worst night spent and what happened?
We stayed at an apartment in Venice in February and the hot water and heat went out during the first night. We didn’t have the woman’s number and had no way of reaching her, so we had to deal with no heat/hot water for 3 nights. It was the coldest I’ve ever been and we look pretty homeless in all of the pictures. Thank god we had wine.
3. Is a rental car a too expensive way for you to travel? If yes, which transportation do you prefer?
It really depends on what your travel plans are. Sometimes cars are the most convenient/only way to go. When it’s possible, we prefer the train. However, I rented a car in Munich to travel to Fusson and Salzburg, and we wouldn’t have gotten to explore the countryside any other way.
4. What is your favourite desination and why?
This is the hardest question we get asked. Favorite destination for scenery? For nightlife? For adventure?
For scenery: Switzerland
For nightlife: Spain
For Adventure: Costa Rica
However, we may have different answers for these in a couple months!
5. What was the oddest food you’ve eaten?
B: Live grub in Ecuador–it bit me back.
M: Sea Urchin, is it supposed to taste like poison?
6. What was the most dangerous situation you’ve ever been involved in?
B: While staying in a village in southern Jamaica outside of Kingston (far from any cruise ports, the real Jamaica) the government shut down roads and business due to a drug lord. There was bombing happening just down the road and I couldn’t leave.
7. Did you ever needed medical treatment during a stay. If yes, in which country and what happened?
Not yet, fingers crossed!
8. Hostel or suite?
Suites are more comfortable, but hostels are more social. We always have a better time staying in hostels since it allows us to meet more people and have more exciting moments.
9. Your best memory of a stay…
In Rome we stayed at a little hostel that only had wifi in the lobby. Everyone hung out there and the hostel owner all gave us free wine. It was a really fun melting pot of travelers.
10. What do you collect? (Because everyone collects something)
M: EVERYTHING. Literally. I am such a hoarder. Plane tickets, train tickets, menus, maps, beer glasses? Oh and I love trinkets..
B: Coasters from bars. I plan to do something cool with them one day but I’m not sure what. I also have a small but growing collection of voodoo dolls (or the cultural equivalent
11. Why do you travel?
I love seeing new things and meeting new people, and there is nothing more fun than exploring a place you’ve never been to before. I think I started traveling for the adventure, but ultimately I also realized how much I was learning about different places and cultures that kept it interesting. It’s an addiction.
Here are our nominations:
Ally Rambles @allyrambles
The Travel Guys @travel_guys
It’s All About Being A Foodie @bhoomin17
A Wanderin Couple @wanderincouple
Jet Set Joi @jetsetjoi
20 and Travelling @20andTravelling
Guys Who Travel @GuysWhoTravel
GenX Travel Girl @GenXTravelGirl
And the questions…
1. You knew you had the travel bug when..
2. Do you have any travel horror stories?
3. What is your favorite hotel/hostel?
4. What was your most life changing travel experience?
5. And your drunkest travel experience?
6. The BEST hangover food?
7. If you could move one place right now, where would it be?
8. Window seat or aisle?
9. What was your biggest lesson learned by traveling?
10. Why do you travel?
We’re looking forward to reading your answers soon and don’t forget to tweet us when you’re finished. We can’t wait to see them!
Thanks Marteen and Brittaney for your reply! It’s always interesting to know about other people’s experiences and opinions. Maybe you’ll come to Luxembourg one day…then we could have a bottle of wine together in our garden 😉 Greetings from Tascha & Patrick
Hi Tascha & Patrick,
We will be just missing Luxembourg this fall, stopping in Belgium and also Munich for Oktoberfest. Next time!
😉 Marteen & Britt