Salzburg Quotes: Our Favorite Quotes About Salzburg

salzburg quotes


Often overshadowed by the capital of Vienna, Salzburg is a charming city that also deserves the world’s attention. Here are some of our favorite Salzburg quotes:


“Salzburg is storybook Austria. Standing beside the fast-flowing Salzach River, your gaze is raised inch by inch to the Altstadt’s mosaic of graceful domes and spires, the formidable cliff-top fortress and the mountains beyond.”

Lonely Planet


“Everywhere you go, the scenery, the skyline, the music and the history send your spirits soaring higher than Julie Andrews’ octave-leaping vocals.”

Lonely Planet


“Salzburg… is a mountain town with a rushing river running right through the center, everything in the rain various shades of green and brown.”

-Jonathan Carroll


“Salzburg is nevertheless both a must and a joy.”

-Rick Steves


“Framed by mountains, crowned by the Hohensalzburg Fortress and divided by the turquoise Salzach River, the Salzburg landscape is pure drama.”



“One large demanding fortress with an alpine backdrop sets Salzburg apart from other cities, attracting more and more tourists every year.”

Lust for the World


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