February 28, 2015 LustForTheWorld

13 Places In The US That Will Make You Feel Alive


1. Artist Point, Yellowstone National Park, WY

At Artist Point, you are right in the middle of the action –  situated in the middle of two dangerously steep sand stone mountains scarcely covered with pine trees and split open by an enormous waterfall. It is hard to believe that something this surreal exists and is so accessible in nature.

Places in the US: Artist Point Yellowstone

2. Goose Island Lookout, St. Marys Lake,  Glacier National Park, MT

This is the first lake you come to when entering Glacier Park from the east side of  “Going to the Sun Road”. Goose Island Lookout is an iconic photography spot.


places in the US: Goose Island MT

3. Grandview Point, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ

My favorite view of the Grand Canyon, only accessible by car since buses don’t go this far. Linger here for a while or take off down the Grandview Trail if you’re feeling adventurous.

places in the us: Grandview point


4. Beartooth Highway, MT

Feel your heart pumping as you drive on the  steep winding highway among the snow capped Rockys.  Beartooth Highway lets you cruise along some of the most daring landscapes on your way to Yellowstone National Park.

places in the US: Beartooth Highway

5. The Sunset on Venice Beach, CA

While I agree that any beach on the West Coast has an amazing view of the sunset, my pictures from Venice beach outdo them all. The gorgeous orange and pink hues over the horizon with the shadowy palm trees in the foreground will turn anyone into a seasoned photographer.

Places in the US: Venice Beach


6. The Summit of the Upper Falls Trail, Yosemite CA

A lot less accessible than the previous mentions, but worth the strenuous hike, the summit of the Upper Falls Trail will take your breath away and leave you feeling like your on top of the world. This was definitely one of the most powerful experiences I’ve had as a hiker.

Places in the US: Yosemite Upper Falls Trail

7.The Sunset Festival at Key West, FL

The Key West Sunset Celebration occurs nightly during sunset and invites everyone to watch the glowing sun disappear into the Gulf of Mexico.

places in the us: keywest sunset festival

8. Route 101 Pacific Coast Highway, CA

Taking on this adventure is a commitment and a blessing. A lot of the West coast remains rugged and untouched. Route 101 sets the stage for amazing sunsets over the horizon, beaches you can have to yourself, and a beautiful winding road that has the habit of occasionally falling into the ocean.

places in the US: route 101


9. The Sunset over El Morro, San Juan Puerto Rico

The sun setting behind the historical El Morro fort while thousands of kites flood the lawn is an unreal experience, and one that you should aim to have.

places in the US: El Morro

10. Sunrise At Haleakala National Park, HI

Seeing the sun rise in a bed of clouds on the Haleakala summit will make you feel as though you are walking on air. It will give you an overwheming sense of bliss and enlightenment.


11. Avalanche Lake, Glacier National Park, MT

Definitely worth the easy 5 mile hike, Avalanche Lake is absolutely breathtaking with cascades flowing down the mountains from melting glaciers. The  scene is both beautiful and awakening.


12. Bryce Point, Bryce Canyon National Park, UT

The best spot in Bryce for awe inspiring views of the amphitheater. Do get up at the crack of dawn and see the sunrise over Bryce Point, while it is cold and windy, it is worth it.

13. Glacier Bay and the Hopkins Glacier, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, AK

The beauty of  the bay’s milky blue water and glacier topped mountains is something that everyone needs to experience once in their lifetime.

glacier bay


Have more to add to the list? Let us know your favorites below!

Media Credits: Bryce

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