June 25, 2015 LustForTheWorld

13 Female Travel Bloggers on Their Craziest Nights On The Road & What Inspires Them To Travel

1. Kristin of Be My Travel Muse

female travel bloggers

Pictured sand boarding in Namibia

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

Hard to say but it might be the time that I was the impromptu guest at a Malaysian karaoke party and my host kept introducing me to everyone as a “singer from Hollywood.” I’d never done karaoke before in my life but I wasn’t getting away with sitting silently all night. The crowd loved it so much they requested an encore, so I guess I did alright!

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

Maybe getting groped in the dark while walking in Nepal. It wasn’t scary so much as just violating and upsetting. A lot of people suggested I leave after that, but I stuck out the full month I had planned to be there and still trekked for two weeks afterwards without a guide or a man around. I was glad I didn’t give up.


2. Kiara of Gallop Around The Globe

female travel bloggers

Pictured at Tripitos Arch,  on the Greek island of Paxos.

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?
It’s hard to pick one.  When you travel long-term and are met with a constant stream of new faces and experiences, crazy nights can often become par for the course!  But alcohol aside, taking a boat between Okinawa and one of the surrounding Japanese islands (can’t remember its name) in the middle of a huge thunderstorm was pretty crazy, as was the sight of hundreds of lanterns being released into the sky at Loi Krathong (Thai festival of light), and finally getting to see the Northern Lights in Iceland a couple of years ago.
What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?
The scariest thing that’s ever happened to me whilst on the road was probably the time my friend and I got robbed – and subsequently attacked – in Cambodia.
We were in the beach town of Sihanoukville and had hired a scooter for the day in order to visit a national park nearby.  As evening approached we still had over half a tank of fuel so we decided to hang on to the bike in order to head into downtown Sihanoukville for a bite to eat.
However we took a wrong turn at one of the major roundabouts and ended up heading down a very poorly-lit road.  We were driving quite slowly as I was trying to map read on the back of the bike in order to get us back on the right track.  Two local guys on a motorbike drove up alongside us and tried to swipe my friend’s daypack from the metal basket on the front of the bike.  She’d had the sense to chain it on, so all they succeeded in doing was pulling our bike (and us) to the ground.
Shaken and bruised we got back on and were about to make an attempt to escape when one of them returned on foot, this time wrenching the daypack (and metal basket it was still attached to) off the bike.
Fueled with anger and adrenalin, I chased after the guy, caught him, and made a grab for the bag.  He snatched it from my hands and then hit me full force around the head with the metal basket the bag was still attached to!
At the time I was so full of adrenalin that I didn’t really feel afraid (and there was no lasting damage to my head) but afterwards I thought about how differently the situation could have turned out if the thief had possessed a knife or a gun.

3. Marteen of Lust For The World

female travel bloggers


Pictured at the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

Definitely a hard question. I imagine it’s a tie between the time the heat broke in our apartment in Venice in the middle of February when we had to live without heat or hot water for 3 days OR the time I woke up on a 5 star hotels pool furniture in Bangkok.

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

I was in Barcelona when Spain won the World Cup. Eventually riots broke out in the street and the police started shooting rubber bullets, something I can say definitely doesn’t happen in America. A stampede of people began to take to the subway stations, my friend fell along the way, almost getting ran over by the crowd. Another less exciting scary time involves sitting in the front seat of a cab in Berlin, never sit in the front seat of a cab. Obviously.

4. Joanna of Lose the Map

female travel bloggers

Pictured at the Mesquite Sand Dunes in Death Valley, USA

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

My craziest night was definitely when I had an overnight layover in Istanbul, and instead of finding a hotel room stayed out all night with a group of people from Croatia I met on the plane. It was great to connect with people right away and have an amazing time with new friends! I ended the night with breakfast in Taksim Square watching the sun come up, and then got on the plane and passed out for the entire flight.

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

The scariest thing I ever had happen to me was when I got hit by a car (a combi taxi, more specifically) in Cape Town, South Africa. My left femur broke, and my head and sides were injured, so I had to spend 8 days in the hospital, and then some time on crutches and doing rehab for my leg.

5. Karisa of Flirting With The Globe

female travel bloggers

Pictured at Angkor Wat, Cambodia

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

Hmm… Where to begin?! (Just kidding! Kind of…). My most recent “craziest night” was probably while traveling to Krakow, Poland with a girlfriend. Krakow has quite the night life and some of the bars are “underground” in a cavelike setting without any windows! One thing led to another and before we knew it, we were stumbling out of the “cave bar” at 9:00 a.m… and let’s just say this experience was well after my college years!

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

One of the most disturbing things I’ve seen while traveling was in Hermanus, South Africa. I saw a female shopkeeper repeatedly kick a homeless man who was sleeping outside of her shop in an “attempt” to force him to move away from her shop. I was about a block away and basically froze in shock and horror due to the woman’s actions. Luckily, a nearby good samaritan inserted himself in between the shopkeeper and the homeless man to protect him.


6. Ashley & Carolyn of The Lazy Travelers

female travel bloggers


What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

Dublin St. Paddy’s Day circa 2009, where we picked up a rag tag team of locals who spent most of the night teaching us proper Irish drinking songs. We didn’t realize that it’s more of a family holiday in Dublin, so we single-handedly closed down most of the pubs that night.

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

The time we got locked in an Austrian dungeon in the middle of the night, a few hours before we had to catch a train to Prague. We can laugh about it now, but it was straight out of a horror movie.

7. Sarah of Solo Abroad


female travel bloggers


What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

One of my craziest nights started in a club in Bangkok. I accidentally bumped into several people from different countries and we decided to party together. We went to various clubs till we ended up in a gay bar. I had a lot of fun. One guy was staring at me and seemed quite shy. After a while he came over and said “Excuse me, are you Lindsay Lohan?“ I was wondering.. does he mean the “Freaky Friday/Girls Club-Lohan” or does he mean the nowadays “fucked up” one?! Of course he meant the one from Girls Club. 😀 I replied “no, I’m not“. Damn I should have said I’m her sister or something like that, just to see what would have happened next.

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

After a night out with friends I was on my way home until I realized that I ran out of money.  A few hours earlier I had a conversation with a taxi driver, I met him again and I told him that I ran out of money and asked if he could please help me out and drive me home. He called a friend who was supposed to drive me home. I felt really lucky. But then he drove in a dark tight street, where other guys were sitting and having a midnight dinner. I was asking why he’s stopping and he said that he is hungry. I didn’t want to be unpolite, because he drove me home and yes.. quite dumb. I should have said something, but he was my only choice to get home that night. So he asked me to take a seat and if I’m hungry or thirsty. I said I wouldn’t mind to have a coke.  I drank my coke while old Asian people tried to talk to me in their language. The only thing I could do was grin and hope that my driver was a fast eater, and would bring me home as soon as possible. After 30 minutes he was done, I said thank you for the coke and he drove me home.

That was a real lesson to me. Always bring enough money during your travels, no matter where you go! Don’t bring only cash, also other means of payment. Afterwards I can say that I wouldn’t call it super scary. It war more likely a dumb situation and a beginner mistake. I’m aware that situation could have ended differently.



 8. Natalie of the Wanderlisters

female travel bloggers

Pictured at the Eiffel Tower in Paris

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

I never thought I would find myself, as an 8-year old, at a police station in a foreign place. During a family trip to St. Croix, we returned to the parking lot where we had left our car, only to find it was now trapped behind a locked gate. What do you do when you’re stranded in an unfamiliar place, at night, with no car, and far away from the place where you’re staying? Well, we managed to find a police station…

We spent a few hours at the station, impatiently waiting, as officer after officer tried to come up with a solution. Eventually, one of the officers agreed to help us. He treated the whole situation like a covert mission. He insisted that he had a plan and that he had to drive the car; so we piled in.

The lot was bordered by a grassy hill. He somehow managed to breach the gate and drove our car up that hill and out onto the nearby dirt road, leaving only our tire tracks. I still remember the smile on his face as he told us, “this never happened.”

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

Picture this, you are riding shotgun in your best friend’s car, jamming out as The Offspring’s, “You’re Gonna Go Far Kid” blasts through the car speakers. Your friend approaches a red light on the way into town. And then it hits you – that feeling of the unexpected coming at you, before your brain even processes what’s happening. Time literally seems to stop. It’s like a scene out of the Matrix as shards of glass fly into my face and brush across my arms in slow motion. Thoughts start swirling around my head: What was that? Where did it come from? Nothing makes sense, until I look up and a see a giant metal hook lodged in the center of the windshield.

Then it all becomes clear, my friend realizes it was a dislodged tow hook from the car stopped at the light in front of us. The same car that we had been barreling down the back roads behind just seconds before the hook flew off and hit us. \ This was my scariest moment on the road. Yes, thankfully we walked away unharmed, but it was the thoughts of what could have happened that haunted us. We both knew we were traveling at a high rate of speed just seconds prior, and if it had flown off just a couple seconds sooner we may not have been so lucky.


9. Colleen of The Wanderlisters

female travel bloggers

Pictured at the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

The craziest night I’ve ever experienced while traveling was in Florence, Italy. It as a night out with some of the women I was traveling with, and we decided to go out for a fun night of drinking and dancing. We ended up meeting a group of guys from the United Kingdom and I ended up hitting it off with one of them. We danced all night, then we ventured off from the group and he walked me home to my hostel through the city streets of Florence. We danced and kissed in front of the duomo and it was probably the most romantic night of my life. I only knew him for the one night, but I think that’s the beauty of it. It was very, Before Sunset, and I think that’s part of the charm of the story. Meeting new people when you’re traveling is probably one of the best parts about it, and to throw in a little romance…well, that’s just an added benefit.

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

The scariest thing to ever happen to me on the road was when I almost lost my passport on the way to St. Maarten in the Caribbean. I was standing at the gate about to board the plane, when I heard my name on the intercom saying I had to come all the way back to the check in counter because I had left not only my wallet full of cash, but my passport. I literally had to sprint there and back and was on the verge of tears, but luckily the travel gods were on my side and I made it. (I am notorious for terrible travel luck. I almost missed a connection on the way to St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin as well)


 10. Yvonne from Tourist of Life

female travel bloggersPictured at the Grand Canyon, USA

1. What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

The craziest night was when I went to Dublin last Christmas: the flight got delayed for eleven hours(!) and we were the only flight who still went that day as the rest of the flights got cancelled because of the winter weather. So after being stuck at the airport for eleven hours everyone who needed to fly to Dublin already knew each other before departure. It was so much fun! We ate dinner together, drank a couple of beers and got to know each other. After finally arriving in Dublin we made a huge group whatsapp with literally everyone who was on the Dublin-flight. We arrived very late in Dublin, shared cabs from the airport to the city center and eventually all went out together. Definitely a crazy night.. but it was so fun! It was really crazy how that delay turned out. I didn’t know that a delay could be so enjoyable!

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

I don’t think I’ve ever been truly scared while traveling. Either I play it really safe, or I don’t get scared fast. Probably a bit of both I guess. But no, no scary memories.


 11. Gloria of Nomadic Chica

female travel bloggers

Pictured at the Taj Mahal, India

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

I can remember many crazy nights. one that was really funny was on a night train in Thailand going from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. I was traveling with my boyfriend at that time and he was tired, so I went to the dining car to eat something. When I got there, the place turned into a very crazy party made by a group of old people traveling in the same train. Was a super funny and random place for a party!
What is the scariest thing thats ever happened to you while on the road?
I also remember a few times that have been very scary. One was in Peru while heading to Macchu Picchu and at plain rainy season the roads can turn very scary and dangerous, a good story to tell right now but hopefully not do the same way again! You can read more about it here.


12. Laura of Little Pink Passport

female travel bloggers

Pictured on Myrtos Beach in Greece

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

For my craziest night would have to be my over night train from Budapest to Prague. This was my first over night train, so I wasn’t 100 percent how it worked. We would have gotten a private room, but when we got on the train it seemed almost empty so we were like , score! So we decided against it. Well- the thought didn’t cross our minds that the train would stop through out the night ( duh- right ?) so we got comfortable, closed / locked the cabin and realized people continued to get on. I have serious trust issues so there was NO WAY I would be able to sleep knowing someone could steal my money and passport at any moment so I stayed on high alert all night. ALL night we had random people entering the train and banging on our door / yelling at us in random languages to open our door. I had bobby pins holding the curtains closed so no one could see us. This went on the entire night.I know it doesn’t seem extremely crazy but I felt like I was in the over night train hunger games fighting for my cabin and privacy!!

What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?

I don’t have a lot of scary stories from traveling due to the fact that I don’t like to put myself in bad situations but if I had to name something , it would have to be the day I spent in Tijuana, Mexico. My cousin and I clearly stuck out with our bright blonde hair and my tight highlighter yellow short shorts- I began to feel like we were being watched. Welllll that’s because we were – a group of guys were following us from store to store until the point where we needed to go to the police because they wouldn’t stop (and Spanish isn’t exactly my 2nd language).



13. Andrea of Andrea on Vacation

female travel bloggers

 Pictured in Moscow

What was the craziest night you’ve experienced while traveling?

 I slept in a hallway in Florence after getting locked out of our apartment on the day of our arrival. Not the hallway of my apartment building, another building where we found a way in.
What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you while on the road?
Nothing too much scary has happened to me. Yay for no drama!

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