July 29, 2014 LustForTheWorld

20 Travel Songs For Your Twenties

There’s a good chance that at the top of your packing list is your ipod.  We complied a list of songs to load up on during your travels that capture the spirit of traveling in your twenties. Here are our 20 Travel Songs For Your Twenties:  
Like the list? Check out the link below to listen to this mix wherever you go!
1. “Send Me on My Way” -Rustic Roots.
Okay, this songs is awesome for any age, but nothing gets you more excited for an adventure than tribal chantings and  good beats.
2. “Cups” – Ingrid Michaelson.         travel songs for your twenties
Any song that includes whiskey and a “trip with the prettiest of views” is something we can relate to.
3. “High You Are”–Branchez Remix.
Not about drugs–about planes! and maybe drugs if you want. You can’t help but feel good after listening to this–especially while soaring off into the clouds.
4. “Best Day Of My Life”- American Authors.
It’s physically impossible to listen to this song and not feel good. A great song to start any adventure with.
5.”Follow My Feet”– The Unlikely Candidates.
Excellent lyrics and upbeat tempo? Check.
6. Wake Me Up” –Avicii
Even if you want to travel the world, but don’t have any plans, this song is a must for the perfect travel mix
7. “Submarines” –The Lumineers
About a regular guy who decides to say “screw it” and builds a submarine. We can get on board with that carpe diem attitude.
8. “Let’s Dance to Joy Division” -The Wombats
Things go wrong when on the road, this song will cheer you up.
travel songs for your twenties
9. “Say Hey I Love You” – Michael Franti and the Spearheads
Caribbean vibe and truthfully solid travel lyrics…”it seems like everywhere I go, the more I see the less I know”
10. “Vamos A La Player” -LVX
This song serves two purposes: to get pumped and brush up on a little Spanish. Perfect.
11. “Awake My Soul” -Mumford and Sons
How could you not love a song titled “Awake My Soul” for traveling.
12.”Elias”- Dispatch
This may be our favorite on the list. This song is about a family in Africa, starts out in Swahili and is simply the best.
13. “Rip Tide” – Vance Joy
Our favorite song of the moment, which could potentially turn into one of our favorite beach trip songs.
14. “West Coast”- Coconut Records
Cheerful beat and great lyrics. This song is good no matter which coast your travels take you to.
travel songs for your twenties
15. “Blew My Mind” -Dresses
For those moments where traveling blows your mind
16. “Going to California” -Led Zeppelin
No matter where you’re going this song is a classic.
17. “Cross My Minds” -Twin Forks
Because sometimes we all need to get a little lost.
18. “Post Cards from Italy” – Beirut
This song rules in any destination.
19 “I Wanna Get Better” – Bleachers
Blasting this song in your earbuds while wondering a foreign city is life changing.
20. “Home” – Edward Sharpe
Pretty self explanatory for the last song. Enjoy!
zlist whenever/ wherever you want here!
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